Friday, February 13, 2009

Social Pressures

Reflecting on different types of violence (sexual, bullying, gangs, etc), what are the social pressures that keep people from telling others about dangerous situations that they are currently involved in or have been involved with in the past?


  1. Well, if a guy got raped by another guy that in some peoples mind would be sad. But in others that would be found as well why couldn't you defend yourself. If a women tells another women they sympathize with her. I think that's because women can't defend themselves as easily as a man can.

  2. That person could be scarred for life by what happened and might not want to relive it. They could also be threatened by that person to not tell anyone or else they would do something bad to them.

  3. You are both exactly correct. It is true that frequently victims are threatened not to tell about what happened to them. I have talked to a few people who that has happened to, and they lived their whole life in fear. They were stuck not knowing what to do, and it wasn't until they were adults that they finally told someone.

  4. Sometimes they think if they tell on the person
    they are scared that person might find out and kill or abuse or do it all over again because sometimes that person is in a gang or has friends that have secret connections with people that could tell on the person who told on them and many people fear this and worry about it until they think its too late to tell and truthfully they should know thats its never to late to tell.

  5. Just because men are physically superior to women doesn't mean that they have the ability to defend themselves from every single threat in their life. Matt I think you have been watching too many movies where the good guy beats up three men single handed, when in real life he would have only lasted a couple of seconds. My advice to you is to look at the world from a more realistic perspective and stop thinking that if your a man you can take on a seven nation army.


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