Monday, January 19, 2009

More Follow Up Questions for Brian

  • Are you paid by the hour or per project?
  • Which program do you use the most?
  • What firewall do you use?

posted by Mrs. B for class

1 comment:

  1. "Are you paid by the hour or per project?"

    Good question. The answer is both.

    Some only have a specific amount of money they can spend on a website, so I charge them one rate for the whole project. I have to be certain that, when I do this, all the details are discussed and written on paper (and signed) before the project starts because a lot of times customers will add extra requirements after the project started. When they do that I can pull out the list of requirements we discussed and if it is not on there, i will charge them extra.

    Others just need a job done and will pay however much it costs until it is complete, so I charge them hourly. These are usually people who don't know all the details of a project and we figure it out as we go. Since we don't know all the details at the start, I can't charge them a flat fee because i have no way of determining how much time it will take. Thus, the only option is to charge hourly.

    "Which program do you use the most?"

    Easy question. I use a standard text editor. On windows it is called 'notepad'. Thats where I do all my coding, HTML, and other stuff. Some people use programs like dreamweaver, where you can literally draw your website. That might be fine for designing the website layout, but dreamweaver can't run my code and can't generate dynamic webpages. I've tried to use dreamweaver just to develop basic templates (header, footer, menu) but i find it generates ugly HTML and makes it hard to debug or update later.

    "What firewall do you use?"

    For my web servers I use a program called IP FIlter. It is a unix software program and is built in to the operating system.


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